Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Houston Zoo

About 2 weeks ago, my mom and I took Luke to the Houston Zoo. It was a nice afternoon out. When I first got to Houston, Luke and I spent a lot of time inside and hanging out just the two of us. I was starting to go crazy being cooped up, so when Mom didn't have to go to work, I jumped at the chance to do something fun.

I think this was the small animal house. The exibits were really nice, and Luke loved being able to run from window to window. We kept him leashed. I think in this picture they were looking at otters, but since I can't see the animal, I'm not sure.

Checking out the giraffes.

The carosel was fun for Luke. He was too wiggly to stay on an animal though. We posed for this picture, and then we moved to the bench. Luke liked watching the animals going up and down.

I know why Skyler cried in his groundhog picture. It was quite the struggle getting to the dome. You have to crawl through a pretty narrow, low tunnel. And since Luke wouldn't cooperate I had to lay on my back, put him on my stomach, and then push us to the opening using just my legs. I feel sorry for anyone who was looking from the entrance. The things I do just to get a blog picture. Ridiculous!

Luke's favorite part of the zoo was the petting zoo in the children's section. It mostly had goats, but it also had one old sheep that I think was suffering from heat exhaustion.

Luke liked to come right up the goats, but he wouldn't touch them.

Thanks, Mima, for a fun trip!

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