Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Shamed in front of a cook (and other things that make me feel like an idiot)

Yesterday Nora and I went to CW to walk around, and we decided to stop by the Raleigh tavern bakery.  Word to the money wise: Don't go!  They doubled the price on practically everything.  A ham biscuit for 5 bucks?!  I think not!  So after standing in line for nearly 10 minutes, we left without buying anything.  

But we were in the mood for a little snack as we'd both earlier in the week found cash in our pants pockets.  So we walked over to Retros.  As I was drinking my coke, I let Luke walk around since the "restaurant" was practically empty, and he wasn't in anybody's way.  He loved looking at a life size cutout of Elvis that they had next to the restrooms, so he kept wandering over to the restroom corner.  So's the shamed part.  A guy comes out from the back and walks to the restroom.  Luke follows after him, and Luke's pretty fast.  Without thinking (and without lowering my voice) I call, "Luke, let the man pee in peace."  And just then I make it around the corner to see that the door hasn't shut behind the man (because Luke is trying to get in too), and I hear him laughing.  Practically hysterically.  And I turn around red-faced and in shock that I actually said that only to find Nora snorting into her tomato soup.  We couldn't look at each other for the next 5 minutes without laughing.

I felt like I should just whip out my medicaid card and tell the world, "Yes.  I am white trash and have no tact or manners.  Thank you for noticing."  

And then last night, I was loading soap into the dishwasher.  The box was on its last run, and I was trying to shake out the last kernels of soap which of course wouldn't cooperate by going into the little cup but instead shot all over the dishwasher door.  Jared says, "Don't you think that's enough?"  And I tell him, "Nonsense.  The cup's not even full."  I close the door, lock it, and start the dishwasher.  A little while later, we walk into the kitchen to find a HUGE puddle of water and bubbles gushing, literally GUSHING, out of the dishwasher.  But the thing is that I swear I didn't put into too much soap.  So what did I do wrong?  Jared started laughing, but he stopped pretty fast when he realized I was about to cry.  I hate doing things wrong, acting white trash, and feeling like an idiot.  I also hate lima beans.

1 comment:

Sally said...

I hate to say it, but your painful experiences are really quite funny. I'm glad you're writing them down.