Friday, February 6, 2009

It Takes Two!!

Luke has been looking shaggy for a while. I wanted Mom Orton or Mom Wilkerson to cut it over Christmas, but since he was sick and cranky, we never got around to it. His hair was driving me crazy! So on Tuesday, I talked Nora into helping me cut it. I brought my camera to get pictures of his first real haircut, but he was so upset that it took two of us. My job was to calm him as much as I could, and Nora's was to cut whenever she got the chance. Adam was witness to the haircut torture. I think he was probably wondering what kind of cruel mother I am. I didn't care that Luke was screaming. I wanted his hair out of his eyes. So whenever Nora looked at me with a , "Should I keep going?" look in her eyes, I would just nod my head and tell her to try to finish. With all the drama, this probably was not the best cut of his life, but Nora did a great job under the circumstances. So thanks, Nora!

This is Luke after his haircut. You can (maybe) tell that the sides are shorter than they were. By the time Nora was ready to do the top and front, Luke was pretty upset. He would cry and try to duck his head when we reached toward him. Nora trimmed the very front by his forehead, but she couldn't do the top. (I finally gave her permission to stop.)

Today, I noticed that there were some uneven spots by the front of his face which is quite understandable given the fact that he won't keep still for a second! So, I tried to even those out and trim the top as well. Unlike Nora, I don't really know what I'm doing, so I clearly botched it in some places, and the top of his hair isn't even. I tried to use the comb to check lengths, but Luke kept turning his head. I didn't want to pin him down because he gets more upset, so I followed him around the house as I tried to cut. Most of his haircut today took place by his book boxes while Luke read. As a result, there was hair all over his room, but I think his hair looks a little better in the front now.

The back of his hair (cut by Nora)

The side of his hair (also cut by Nora)

The front of his hair trimmed by me. Not a good picture I know, but Luke would not cooperate in front of the camera today.

A better view of his hair. Not the best view of his cute little face.

1 comment:

Nora said...

you were waayy too kind to me. what did jared think? i think you did a great job with the front. overall, it looks good, especially the way you combed it:) thanks for having so much faith in me.