Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I got tagged by Sarah...so here it goes.  I hope I don't make Jared and I (but especially Jared) sound like total dopes.

What is your husband's name?  Jared

How long have you been married?  About 2 and 1/2 years

How long did you date? We dated for about 8 months before we got engaged, but Jared was in Mexico during 3 months of that time, and there was a brief broken up period as well.

How old is he?  25- I'm a cradle robber!

Who eats more sweets?  For hard core sweets- definitely me.  However Jared can eat his weight in Frosted Mini Wheats and sometimes he goes crazy when there's ice cream in the house.

Who said I love you first? Me--actually I said it a few times before Jared said it back.  So I tease him that it means I love him more.

Who is taller? Jared

Who is the better singer? Jared.  By a long shot.  I can't carry a tune in a bucket.  Sometimes I make Jared sing the alto part at church so that I can follow along.  And sometimes I try to make him sing soprano, but when he does we usually don't end up singing at all because we're laughing too hard.

Who is smarter? I don't know.  We both studied completely different things.  When it comes to common sense, probably Jared.  (He knew what "Photos do not bend" meant)  When it comes to memorizing movie lines, probably me.  And I got a better score on the ACT.  Of course I didn't take the LSAT, but I doubt I would have done as Jared.

Who does the laundry? Me

Who pays the bills? Well, I actually write the checks.  Auto-payment does the rest.  But who provides the money that we spend?  That would be LOAN money.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Jared, but he's trying to talk me into switching.  I say No Way!

Who mows the lawn? We don't have one.  But when we do, it will probably be me.  I'll just have to learn how to do it first.  Of course, we won't have to worry about that for at least 5 years!

Who cooks dinner? These days I do.  Jared used to cook a lot when I was working.  He also used to help with the dishes, but I do all the clean up now.  Jared helps a lot with Luke, though.  They have male bonding time every Saturday while I go shopping.

Who drives? When we go places together Jared always drives.  I've had to get more brave about driving by myself though.  I think I've gotten a lot braver since we've been here.  I go on the freeway a lot, and I used to avoid that at all costs.

Who is the first to say they're wrong? Neither one of us has a problem saying sorry.  Usually whoever started the fight apologizes first.  If you want to know who holds onto hurt feelings longer, it would probably be me.  What can I say?  I'm female, and females never forget.

Who kissed who first? Jared kissed me, but I made it REALLY easy for him.  I'M not easy.  Just the kiss was.

Who asked who out? Jared and I would fight over this question.  I asked for his number and invited him to do something first, but Jared asked me out on the first date that actually cost money.  So if you go by hanging out: me.  If you go by a formal "date": Jared.  Although the formal date wasn't all that formal.  He took me to breakfast at the MTC before work.

Who wears the pants? Jared and I both like pants.

Now I tag....Nora and Callie

1 comment:

Nora said...

BLAST you and your tags, Stace. Now I must. I love you anyway.