Micah Brent Wilkerson
Born September 29, 2010 at 10:26 pm
Weighing in at 7 lbs 9 oz
19 inches long
Micah is a natural eater. He latched right on even before he'd even had a bath. He has a strong suck, and I was happily surprised at how "easy" nursing can be. Trying to feed Luke was a totally different experience.
Micah felt a lot better after his bath. He would have felt even better if people had left him alone during the night, but no... we both have to be prodded and poked every few hours. This is Micah the next morning. He is a lot less red and so much cuter. I didn't have to push for very long, so Micah didn't have a cone head like Luke did.
Luke and Grandma and Grandpa came to meet Micah on Thursday morning. Luke wasn't very interested in his baby brother at all. The room had waaaayyyy too many buttons for a baby to hold his attention.
"Phone! Phone! Yep. It has buttons."
We got to leave the hospital on Friday right before noon. I kept asking when we were getting out of there! The hospital was fine: good food, etc. but I was anxious to be left alone and to sleep in my own bed.
This is Micah on his way home from the hospital.
Give me back my binky!
Here's our little glow worm wrapped up with his biliblanket. Hopefully he'll be off of it soon. He's already had 2 stools today which is supposed to be a good sign, and my milk is coming in, so that should help too.
We love our little Micah!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! And you thought he would come late! :) He's a cutie! Does he look like Luke when he was born? We areso happy for you guys! Let us know what we can do to help when family leaves (or before:))
CONGRATS! I love that last picture--he looks so adorable even as a glow worm. Glad you are home and everything is going well.
And LOVE his name. Nice choice
Congrats!!! He is adorable. I am so glad Luke seems to be handling it well. You will have to teach us your tips. We would love to come see you when you are feeling up to it. Let us know how we can help in the meantime.
Amber and Gordon
yeah, he's here and very cute. I've never seen a biliblanket before. Glow worm is a very appropriate comparison.
Congratulation! He's precious. I'm glad everything went smoothly.
congrats! And just the day before he was born you were all worried he wouldn't come =). he is darling and precious.
CONGRATS!!! He is beautiful :) So glad he didn't take too long getting here!
Congratulations Stace & Jared!!! What a cutie!!! Love the name!
CONGRATS. he is soo so so cute! he looks skinny and longgg. Luke looks in love. Hope all 4 of you are well. love you
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