This beautiful lady, Kelly Crawford, planned and hosted a ladies night in the true Halloween spirit. We each had to either buy or make a witch's hat, and then we got together for a night of spooky food and fun. Okay, it wasn't really spooky, but it was fun!

Okay, seriously. Look at these hats. Most of the girls really decorated them themselves! Confession: bought mine at Big Lots for 10 bucks. I just knew that I would end up with a plain ugly black hat if I tried to decorate one myself (and a bunch of lace that was supposed to have gone on the hat but is now stuck in a drawer of things I don't know what to do with). Am I sorry? No. I accepted long ago (about the time I declined mom's offer to teach me how to knit for the 5th time) that I will never be creative in the sewing arena, and I am happy to let others outshine me. But I am a little jealous of their talent. I mean, they won't have to make their children call Mema for their 5th grade play costume, but whatever. Mema won't say no, right?

Nora and I. Nora wearing the hat she really did decorate herself. We went to Hancock fabrics together on Saturday planning to buy things to decorate hats. Next to Hancock was Big Lots, and since I didn't have a hat to decorate yet, I went in to get one and realized the truth that I probably wouldn't actually decorate one and just bought the hat I have on instead.
Nora, on the other hand, did get some cool stuff from Hancock and made the hat she's wearing. She won third place in the best hat contest! (Oh, and just so y'all know: that jacket I'm wearing in the was the first time I could button it since having Luke. Woo Hoo!)

Hayley and I with our witch's hats. Hayley won second place in the hat contest. It's actually pretty hard to see her hat in this picture because of the way the shadows lie or the angle or something. It had toole that hung down the back in really neat looking gathers and flowered-y lace around the brim. It was really cool. She also made hers herself.

One of the games we played was a murder charades game where we had to choose one paper from each of three categories: who, where, and with what method and then act out who, where, and how a person was murdered. I was pretty good at guessing but not as good at acting. I got Marilyn Monroe at the mall with a lamp. I didn't quite get the "no pointing or using objects rule" because I just started pointing at the lamp in the room. Confession: I did hear someone shout that it wasn't allowed to do that, but I ignored them. Sometimes I'm hard of hearing. I have to say that I did a pretty good Marilyn Monroe impression of "The Seven Year Itch" classic "white dress blowing up because I'm standing over dirty sewer air scene". My team won, and the prize was these great eye thingies that actually hurt when you wear them, but I love them because they remind me of that scene from "A Cinderella Story" when Fiona is just getting out of the tanning bed. It made me miss Amber really bad. I put them on and said, "You're not very pretty, and you're not very bright. I'm so glad we finally had this talk." Amber would have gotten a kick out of that. I was actually afraid that no one else would get it, but apparently Amber isn't the only grown-up who likes that movie. In the picture, it's me and Leslie wearing the winning eyes.

Some very beautiful witches. Left to right: Nora, Elizabeth, Leslie, and Kelly
Leslie won top prize for her hat that had actual lights strung inside it. She was wearing a battery pack tucked inside her hat. It had tinsel, sparkles, and well...a lot of effort. She deserved first prize!
Random side note: Elizabeth (one in yellow) has a little boy named Atticus who is about 20 months old, and Luke loves Atticus. He will crawl around after him just laughing away. Atticus is really gentle with Luke, and sometimes he will even get down on the floor and crawl too so that Luke can keep up with him. Elizabeth is due with her second in January, and Atticus will be a really good big brother.
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