What Luke Endured:
Luke had his first haircut. He was really shaggy over his ears, and he also had a weird tail on the left side of his neck. It wasn't a very good haircut because I did it myself. Jared distracted him with rattles while I snipped as quickly as I could. I did save the hair for his baby book. True confession: It was the first thing in the book.
This is what Luke really endured this week. Luke has started putting his foot up on his crib bars and trying to rotate himself in his sleep. However, his foot often slips and then he ends up with his thigh stuck between the bars, and he wakes up screaming. So this is the contraption that I came up with this morning. I took a king sized sheet and put it under the mattress, stretched it up and over the sides, sewing it down, and then cutting holes to fit the bumper ties out of so that I could reattach the bumper. I couldn't leave the bumper out because Luke likes to ram his head into the sides of the crib in his sleep as well as his other tactics for hurting himself.
Luke's first nap in his new foot-proof crib.
What Luke Learned:
Luke was really active this week, and he made so many big steps! Last night, we went to dinner at the Wall's home, and we discovered that Luke knows how to go up the stairs. He went crawling up just laughing away. Jared stood right behind him the whole time because Luke slipped quite a bit, but he was having so much fun that he had us all laughing! I just love his little giggles.
Luke discovered how much fun the dishwasher is! He loves pulling the silverware out of the tray and also pushing the plates around. It's my new distraction. When I'm trying to clean up the kitchen, I just open the dishwasher and let Luke have at it. Well, until today. Today he actually figured out how to pull the plates out, and he almost broke one. Now I think he will only play with an empty dishwasher.
Luke discovering grass. I don't think he likes it much.
Luke helping me mop the floor. He chases the broom and mop around the floor. He's actually quite a pill when I'm trying to get chores done.
Luke also has learned how to roll his tongue and loves making the sound all the time, especially during church and during family prayer.
What a big boy!!!
1 comment:
Looks like he is growing up!! How old is he now?
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