Tuesday night was our ward's Halloween party. It ended up being quite the bummer for me. Jared had a meeting that night at school. He said that he could get to the church by 7:30, but Luke usually goes to bed by then, so I was planning to leave around 7:15. I thought about not going, but then I thought, "Jared is probably going to be busy our whole married lives. Am I going to just sit at home and miss out on things when he can't come too?" I figured I'd just get into the habit of bucking up and going to things anyway.
But then Luke fell asleep on the way to the church and wouldn't wake up again. I got to the church and carried him in. Since he was asleep, I just sat down at a table and watched families come in together. People were nice and talked to me. Trisha Otto and her family came to sit by me and were really friendly. I also talked to Amanda who (whom?) I visit teach. But I still felt out of place and on the verge of tears. I really don't know WHY I was so upset. I've done things without Jared before. But that night, I had really wanted us to be together for Luke's first Halloween. So I guess I do know why I was upset after all.
I mostly went because I wanted to get some pictures of Luke in his costume. I mean, for someone as small as Luke, they're whole Halloween is the church Trunk or Treat. I had someone take the picture below and was about to leave when Luke woke up for just a little bit.
But...when I got home, Jared was there. He just busted out laughing when he saw Luke in his costume. Since Luke was so cute, we decided to take some pictures of him with his dad at home. Halloween really is just about the pictures anyway, right?
I know Luke was going to be a Colonial. But the weather got pretty cold this week (in the 50's). Nora had found this little leopard outfit at the thrift store for 5 bucks, and since it was so much warmer, I decided to dress Luke in it for the party. I'll get some more Colonial pictures later.
The little leopard crawling around.
Since Tuesday was such a bummer and I didn't get that many pictures, I decided to crash the Williamsburg Ward Halloween party on Wednesday night. Jared and I hang out with a lot more people in that ward than our ward, so I didn't think I'd feel so awkward. Call me crazy, but I wanted to practice my Cowboy Up skills one more time. (Jared had ANOTHER meeting)
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