Luke chooses the same 3 books every night before he goes to bed. His all time favorite is Goodnight Moon. He reads it himself. The funny thing is that I only have the book in Spanish, so Luke reads it according to our translation. My friend lent me her copy this past weekend, and quite a few things are different-- like it rhymes.

I really love books. I'm glad that Luke does too. I have a big list of books that I want to get for him. Some of my favorites when I was little were:
1. The Five Chinese Brothers
2. The Story of Ping
3. The Little Engine that Could
4. Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel
5. Make Way for Ducklings
I also would like to get "Ferdinand the Bull" because I saw it on the movie the Blind Side. I remember seeing a Disney Cartoon of that story when I was little, but I didn't know it was a book. I can't wait until Luke will sit through stories like this. Then it would make it worth it to buy them. In the meantime, we'll enjoy his 3 favorite stories and few others when he'll let me read them.
Those books are so much better than a $1 Toy Story comic book from Target....I'm jealous!
hope you are feeling well and growing that baby!!
love ya
More must-haves:
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
The Monster at the End of This Book
No, David (but you already knew that)
Horton Hatches the Egg
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