Saturday, June 12, 2010

Baby News

Yesterday I had my 24 week appointment. I had another ultrasound because at 20 weeks the baby was facing in such a way that the tech couldn't get a clear picture of the heart or diaphragm. Luckily he cooperated better this time, and they got all the pictures that they needed. They checked his kidneys again too because one of the kidneys has liquid inside. They said a little liquid is normal, and he is in the normal range. Also, if there was a problem with his kidneys there would be an abnormal amount of amniotic fluid, and there wasn't. The doctor seemed worried that I would be freaked out, but I wasn't at all. He moves so much and kicks like crazy that I am sure he's a healthy little guy.

I'm not sure what is up with the picture-- something with how it scanned. We don't have a name for our guy yet. Jared is just not cooperating with the name game. I like 2 names that start with an M that Jared hasn't completely vetoed, so Amber and I have started calling the baby "Baby M." Luke is just starting to understand bits of what's coming. When we ask him where his baby brother is, he will point to my tummy and say brother. He still doesn't seem to understand what that means though-- that there will actually be another person coming to our family to live here all the time. I guess after the baby is born, he'll figure that out really fast.

I've had to scale back and go on a sort-of South Beach Diet. I can't cut completely back because then I get light headed and tired, but I'm trying to watch what I eat. I also renewed my gym pass that expired while I was on the out and out, and I've gone 5 times a week for the past 2 weeks. It is helping because I cut down from gaining 10 pounds the past 2 months previous to 7 pounds this month, but I still need to do better because my doctor said I should only be gaining 1/2 pound to 1 pound per week. At first I wasn't concerned about the weight because I had lost so much at the beginning, but if I keep it up at this rate, I'll be very sorry when the baby is out and I'm 40 pounds over where I started. I had a hard enough time losing 20 pounds. I don't even want to think about 40. It's a bummer, though, because if you imagine a time to indulge and eat whatever you want, pregnancy seems the time, doesn't it? Ah well. I had 2 good months, and now it's time to be good.

We are so excited to meet our little guy in a few months! But it's also crazy to think about how much our lives will change. Luke and I have a pretty good pattern/ schedule going on that is going to get majorly juggled. I hope we can adjust fairly quickly.


melissa said...

Glad to hear all is well with your baby. Huge bummer about having to watch what you eat--huge bummer!

Sara said...

You loook greatttt! I am almost up 40 lbs hahahahha and just pure cellulite legs. yum. I want more details on this baby M alias. as in what are the two M names? keep up the good work! I can not wait to work out again. but then I guess I will have to stop eating snowcones and burgers if I want to see any results. Love youuuu!

Sarah said...

yeah, weight gain is NOT my friend during pregnancy. 50 lbs with Skyler and I'm well on my way with that now. BLAH