Jared and I pretty much never go to the movies, so we never know what's playing or what's coming out. But over the Christmas holidays, I went to see Marley and Me with my mom, sister, and sister-in-law, and I was reminded that Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince is coming out in July. Well, for those of you obsessed like me, that's a sign to get your tush in gear. Because, if you are like me, you'll want to re-read the sixth book before the movie comes out. And, if you are like me, you can't quite keep all the details straight, so that means you've got to do a little extra reading. I read #4 in January, and I'm currently re-reading #5.

This is, admittedly, the worst of the Harry Potter books because it is slow and filled with obnoxious, though understandable, complaining. Not only that, but one of my favorite characters (Sirius Black) gets killed off which really irks me. But the fifth book is important for setting up the last 2.
And for those of you interested, here's a link to the trailor for movie #6--only 5 months to get ready!
Side note: While going back to re-read and edit my blog posts, I always notice that I use a lot of commas. I think commas are one of the most confusing thing about writing. I don't exactly know when one is required. I kind of take the angle that when in doubt, just stick one in.
Obsession #2

"Excuuse me, Officer? Do- you- know- who- this- man- is?"
Maybe I'm just missing my sisters (who also love this movie), but lately I've been thinking about Troop Beverly Hills-- one of the stupidest, yet funniest movies of all time. It is one of the few movies that I could honestly watch over and over again. Is that embarrassing to admit, or what? I just found it on Amazon for $7.49, and I am very tempted... Yesterday, while getting dressed, I was complaining in my head about not having any shoes to wear, and I thought of that scene where Shelley Long is standing in front of a HUGE pile of shoes. She points and says, "This one and this one...out! I'll take the rest!" Oh, sweet fantasies!
Obsession #3

I have officially started my new diet (which is probably not exciting for most people to read about), but I am so excited about it, so I'm writing about it anyway. The first two weeks are a little brutal, but I'm cheating a little and eating 1 piece of bread every other day. My mom did that, and she still lost tons of weight. Enough said about dieting, but when I reach my target weight I will proudly post "Before and After" pictures.
Obsession #4
Our ward (church) has yearly goals of preparation. I honestly have never thought much about food storage and such things before. When we lived in the Yorgason's basement, there was very little room to put food storage, let alone any other emergency supplies. But since January, I have become interested. I stocked up on water and canned goods, and I also started 72 hour kits. On our budget, we have to get things little by little. My February goal is to create first aid kits. I made a list of some things I wanted to get at Wal-mart, and then I remembered Megan telling me that you can get band-aids at the Dollar store. So I decided to try there first. I saved so much money! I found baskets to store stuff in, rubbing alcohol, band-aids, ace bandages, ibuprophen, and hydrocortizone creme. And our first aid kits are almost complete. Woo Hoo!
1 comment:
so i checked the library for the harry potter movies. i knew we had at least one because i took a seminar on harry potter but we don't have all of them. i think like four out of the five and one is on reserve. let me know if you want me to check them out for you!
also, i love troop beverly hills! i love the stylin back pack they make. i use to dream of being in their troop.
i hope your diet is going well! i need to get on that diet boat with you!
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