When Nora found out I'd never seen Chocolat, she gasped as if I said I'd never seen a drinking fountain. Okay. Why I compared it to a drinking fountain I don't know. She was just surprised. "Stacy," she said, "you have GOT to see that movie." So she ordered it on Netflix, and we watched it together. SO GOOD. I loved it! It has some romance in it, but mostly it's a sweet and beautiful story about acceptance, learning, and love. I strongly, STRONGLY recommend it.
Hey! We found out it was a boy so fast because they were afraid it had Down Syndrome. So, I had to get an amniocentesis done to check the baby's chromosomes, which also told us the sex of the baby.
We miss you guys so much! When my mom leaves we will have to arrange something.
yay! i'm so glad you loved it. i love watching movies with you--it's so fun to pause it and talk. you have the funniest stories. ps: did you drop off "secret life" today? i found it on my table...thanks:)
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