I know I've told some people this, but even after a year of seeing Luke everyday, I sometimes look at him and think, "That's not what my child should look like." Admittedly, he's better in every way than what I pictured and expected, but I had imagined a blonde haired, light eyed child. Jared and I sometimes try to speculate where he gets his looks, but neither of us can figure it out. We're just proud that he's so cute! And someday I know I'll get used to his big, beautiful, brown eyes.

Luke's brown eyes.

After his bath and nap the other day, Luke woke up with curly hair. Jared and I couldn't figure that one out. Both of us have bone straight hair. I guess some people on my side have a little wave, but this intensity made us think maybe he really was switched at birth.

More of Luke's curls
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