After getting back in Williamsburg, I mentioned to Jared that I had never done a puzzle. So we decided to get one. Jared insisted that it had to be at least 1,000 pieces (which probably turned out to be a mistake, but whatever) So this is what we did for about 3 days straight. Jared was much more into it that I was. I could only work for about 20 minute increments before I wanted to blow up the puzzle, table, and anything else in the room. Jared, on the other hand, was hard core. He probably did 3/4 of the puzzle or more.

I tried to get Jared to do a normal smile, but he always does these weird ones when it's just him in the picture. Maybe this photo will teach him a lesson.

Luke helping with the puzzle. Actually he mostly threw the pieces on the floor or tried to eat them, so we didn't let him around the puzzle much.

The finished result!
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