Recently I've tried listing some of my favorite things about Luke in my journal. The list actually started to offset some of the things he does that annoy me. I feel bad that I honestly get annoyed and/or frustrated with him several times a day. My frustration never lasts long because I know none of his obnoxious behavior is intentional. And also, Luke moves on so quickly that the thing he did to annoy me is over and done within minutes. Plus, he's so lovable that I just can't stay mad.
Anyway, I tried to catch pictures of some of the things that I love about Luke.

Luke has recently discovered "the fake laugh." You know the one--the awkward chuckle when you either don't get a joke or don't think the joke is funny. Well, Luke's started doing his own version. Only his is "Nothing's really funny, but I really want you to notice me and give me attention." I think it's adorable.

One of my favorite things about all babies, but especially about Luke, are chubby hands. I love how it looks like he's had a rubber band around his wrist, and I love the dimples in his hands, and I LOVE the way his hands reach and grab things. It's indescribable, but it looks so sweet and innocent.

I LOVE Luke's chubby cheeks and his pouty mouth. They are so cute!
Some more things I love about Luke:
1. I love the way he looks when he's sleeping.
2. I love the way he looks right when he wakes up: pink cheeks, disoriented expression.
3. I love the way he's started hugging my legs and putting his hands out to be picked up or cuddled. It makes me feel like I'm doing something right.
4. I love it when he plays with sounds. He likes rolling his tongue, blowing raspberries, and recently shouting "Sibit!" I don't know what it means, and I don't think he does either, but he loves the sound.
5. I love watching him play with books. It makes me happy that he loves something that I love too.
6. I love that Luke has a favorite blanket. It makes me laugh when he sees it and smile giggles and cuddles it to his face. Again, I love that he and I have a blue blanket in common.
7. I love his fat legs! I couldn't get a good picture because he kept moving and I couldn't focus the camera, but they are so cute.
8. I love his laugh! (See forthcoming video of Luke laughing at the Baby Einstein puppets)
9. I love the way Luke interacts with Jared. They've created a new game where Luke runs and Jared follows behind stomping his feet. Luke things it's so funny! He also loves being scared by his dad. Jared will hide around a corner and yell, "Boo!" at Luke. Luke jumps, screams, and then laughs hysterically. I love seeing my boys together.
10. I love knowing that Luke is literally a part of Jared and I. I love knowing that he is OURS. When I think about that and where he came from and how he got here, I just feel SOOOO lucky. We have a little piece of heaven in our home. I'm trying to say that I love him just because he's my son.