Me and Mom H
My bestest friend Jennifer and I
Cathyi Watkins was my young women's leader when I was younger and I have been so blessed to stay in contact with her. I was so glad she came!
My parents!
My love!
The hightlights for Micah were trying chocolate cake for the first time and stealing Annabelle's bone.
As anyone who has partied with Luke will know, a party isn't a party until he takes his clothes off. Luke has stripped down to his diaper in too many places to list this summer as he still can't handle a spill. Luke's highlights were the fans-- any fan! and watching Annabelle do her tricks. His favorite part is yet to come... (Are you salivating with anticipation?)
Dad H
AMBER!!! (How did you not make it into any pictures?)
Ode to this chocolate fudge cake-- words can hardly describe :)
The final highlight!
Jennifer's boyfriend, Victor, drives a red BMW convertible. He was kind enough to let Luke drive it. Luke was pretty much in heaven. The only thing that could have made it better for him was if he'd been given the keys.
Overall I was spoiled rotten and went home full and happy. I am so, SO lucky to love and be loved by so many wonderful people. (And to all my siblings-- "I wish we could've hung out. It was my birthday.") And I was also lucky to have an entire cheesecake waiting for the next day. That is another ode all in itself.
1 comment:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! your hair looks GREAT! and you look TEENY TINY!
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