The best thing about having a late developing baby is that you can use the expensive little baby toys a lot longer. Micah still loves his swing. Our swing has an adjustable seat, so we could change it to an upright position. Micah likes to hang out in there and watch Luke play. He also likes to sit in the Bumbo, lay on his kick mat (mobile gym), and jump in his jumperoo.
Both of the boys like to help me practice piano. I prefer to practice alone, but don't often get the chance. Luke discovered a key on the keyboard that makes the notes sound like animal noises. He pushes it repeatedly, so I usually practice during nap time.
Luke love his baby brother! He often asks to snuggle hug Micah. He will even let Micah touch the sacred Blankie. That's true devotion!
So clearly his Blankie is still one of his favorite things. He has this specific giggle that he only uses when he is smelling his Blankie and carrying it around. Seriously when I hear him laugh like that I know I will turn around to see him standing in the hallway with his blanket just smelling it and laughing! When he gets home from school he runs to his room to find his "Silly Blankie" and cuddles it for a minute before moving on to other things.
And the blow up mattress rotates between the living room and Luke's room. He loves bouncing and jumping, and it was one of the top 10 activities that his therapist suggested. Well, she just told me that jumping was good for him. She probably pictured a little trampoline, but this is bigger, better, cheaper, and already in the house.

Luke also likes shape, number, and color finding. His favorite colors are green and blue. He is starting to point out letters as well. He likes the letters B, L, W, and Y. At least those are the ones he points out most often.
His favorite toys are his karaoke machine, his CD player, the cooking toys, and this broken phone that my friend Amanda gave him. Lately he usually pretends to call Miss Keegan or Grandpa. Luke has never actually spoken to Miss Keegan on the phone, but he copies conversations that he's heard. So when he calls Miss Keegan, he will say, "This is Stacy."
Last but not least, Luke still loves any kind of Ford. But the SUVs are his favorite.
They are so stinking cute! I love that Luke says "this is Stacy" when he pretends to talk on the phone. We miss you guys! I'll email you soon.
They are their mothers children "bluie" =)
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