During the Christmas break, when everyone usually gathers in Utah, we get together with some of our extended family. My dad's brother, Chad, and his wife, Liz, live right down the street from Grammy. So we always try to get together at least once during the holidays for dinner and games.

Golf is a definite when we get together. It's a great card game for a lot of reasons. First, you can play it with a lot of people. Second, it's super easy to learn and to play so even kids can play it. And third, Grammy and Gramps made the cards and that's too cool not to use.

While we were at Grammy's, Blake took his first few steps on his own. Megan and James were bribing him with a toy car.

Chad, Liz, Mom, and Dad
Come back soon so we can play some more golf. Love ya!
homemade cards? that would be a recipe for disaster in my house! you have SUCH a beautiful family, stacy!
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