My best friend Jennifer and I spent so much time together at her house over the years from elementary school and way beyond that her parents are my surrogate parents. I call them Mom and Dad, and they introduce me to everyone as their stepdaughter which leads to some explanations. (No they are not on their second marriage, etc. etc.) Anyway, they are now surrogate grandparents to Luke. And tonight (June 7) we went over to have fruit pizza and chat.

Luke was pretty infatuated with their weiner dog, Annabelle. Luckily she was pretty friendly, and she even let Luke touch her a few times.

Luke had to go home early for bed, so he missed seeing Jennifer, but pictures of him with his "aunt" will soon follow.
It's been great for me to see Jennifer the few times we seen each other so far. Tonight she had us crying from laughing so hard as she told us about all the losers she's found on lds link up. From what I heard, I don't recommend it. One guy actually listed making-out as one of his hobbies! Great family guy do you think?
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