We had a visitor with us this weekend: Flat Taylie. She may have come on Thursday, but I forgot to check the mail that day. So if she was here, she spent a lonely night in a cramped mailbox. I have to tell you that when I took her out of the envelope, I was pretty surprised. That's the biggest "Flat Stanley" project I've ever seen. Not so easy to take along on trips while also lugging a flailing toddler. But I suppose it made things more interesting.
On Saturday we took Flat Taylie to some historical places. I was glad that Jared would come so that I wouldn't have to rely on bugging strangers to get the pictures.

Seeing a cannon. Behind is a model of how the first settlers would build houses. This shows the structural beginnings. Afterwards, they would thatch the roof and put mud on the walls.

At the glassblowers near Jamestown Island
Historic Jamestown.
We didn't walk around the inside museum because it doesn't make for very good pictures, and Flat Taylie's eyes don't work so good anyway.
The bridge to get to the settlement.
Luke LOVES this bridge. He will run from side to side and look down into the water. I think it took him at least 10 minutes to cross it. The only way we could get him to keep walking was to run far enough ahead of him that he would get a little scared of being left behind. Then, he'd run just far enough to ease his fear, and he'd stop and stare again.
Flat Taylie didn't like the bridge. She tripped and fell.
Jamestown monument
Can you see Flat Taylie waving in the wind?
Meeting Pocahontas
Later that afternoon, I went to Colonial Williamsburg with Luke and flat Taylie. This time, Jared stayed home to study, so I had to bug kind strangers. To get this picture, I stopped a nice looking couple. The lady took the picture while the man stopped Luke from running into the road. Wouldn't you know it? He had spotted some horses right as we were taking the picture.
Flat Taylie in the stocks
Flat Taylie and some nice Colonials.
Many people commented on Flat Taylie's shirt that says, "Drama Queen." It was a big hit. These people made all kinds of jokes about it. And several people walking by said things like, "That's the biggest Flat Stanley I've ever seen." So apparently this is a well known project. Whoever started the trend must feel like a big shot.
Anyway, I had a fun time with Flat Taylie, and I'll be excited to meet Flat Brenna someday. Unless of course Amber is chosen for the honor. I figure it might be her turn next. Didn't Flat Ethan visit Nay-Nay? Or maybe it was Mima and Papa. I don't really remember.
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