Micah's birthday was on Thursday, September 29th. That morning Luke had occupational therapy, and then we had to drop him off at school, so the morning wasn't much of a celebration. But it was funny that, as we were out and about, soooo many people asked me how old Micah was, and I got to say, "He's one year old today!" So he received birthday wishes from many, many people.
When we got home (later than usual), Micah took a super long nap. When he woke up, I gave him his first present of the day, a little toy piano that he really enjoys. Micah likes anything that makes noise!
We didn't do anything big to celebrate Micah's first birthday. We were planning to have a cookout with friends, but the boys were sick through the beginning of the week, and we weren't sure when they'd get better. We didn't want to plan an event until they were both well, but now they are! So we'll hopefully celebrate with friends this coming weekend.
His actual big day was pretty low key, but I tried to do some of Micah's favorite things. After Luke got home from school we went to the park-- Micah loves to swing! Then we stopped at the store to get frozen pizza and donuts. Micah had never had a donut, but he loves pizza, so it was a good birthday dinner for him!

Luke wasn't sure how he felt about his Gluten Free/ Dairy free pizza, but he was a trooper and ate several bites.
After dinner, Micah got to play around with (and in) the dishwasher for an extra long time. It's one of his favorite things to do!
I had the donuts ready to be served as soon as Jared got home. We stripped the high chair and Micah and lit the candle.
Micah was fascinated by the flame.
Luke demanded that we sing "birthday dear" instead of the regular Happy Birthday song. We compromised by singing both.
Luke helped Micah blow out the candle.
Micah didn't waste much time before digging in!

He definitely likes donuts!
We'll find out how Micah likes cake when we have his Birthday Cookout this upcoming weekend. I'm thinking he's going to like it.
After donuts we wiped Micah off and let him open his other toys-- bath toys-- and then stuck him right in the bath. Micah LOVES taking a bath (minus the part when we wash his hair), and he got to play for longer than normal. All in all, I think he had a good day.
Thank you Mima and Papa, Grandma and Grandpa, and Grandma Debbi and Grandpa Terry for the birthday money! The money that hasn't yet been spent will go towards Micah's new car seat that we will get as soon as he reaches 20 pounds. It should be pretty soon now!