Then comes marriage. My brother Michael's marriage.
Micah and I flew out to Utah last Friday to be at my brother's wedding on Saturday. It was a quick trip; I wish it could have been longer! But here are a few highlights:

The wedding, of course, was the biggest part of our trip. It was wonderful to be in the temple with Michael and all my family. I didn't meet Cara until I got to congratulate the couple in the sealing room. That was too bad because she seems really, really cool. I'm glad we'll get to spend time with her over the summer and get to know her better then. The sealing took place on Saturday afternoon, and the reception was later that evening. We had quite a bit of time to be in the temple grounds during pictures. It was beautiful, but COLD! It actually snowed on Friday.

My brother Eric and Aunt Liz

Eric's wife, Monica (L.) and my sister Megan (R.)

My nieces Brenna and Taylie
It was so exciting to see Michael and Cara come out of the temple as husband and wife! This is them greeting all the family that were waiting outside.

Cara and her dad

Talking to one of the little people
I wish I took more pictures while we were hanging out outside instead of just shivering and chatting. There were a lot of people there! Michael's best friend from high school was his best man, and it was crazy to see Robert Cates again.
While Michael and Cara were taking more pictures, Nathan Amber and I went on some errands. We had lunch at some place (can't remember the name) with the best sweet potato fries ever and then went to Desert Book. Then Amber and I went to check out the church history museum until it was time for the reception.
Micah was so good the whole trip, and he laid on the charm for the reception. He had cousins, grandparents, and great-grandparents just eating out of his hand.

Who could resist this?

Micah with Grandma and Pa King

Micah thought Brandon and Ryan were hilarious!

The handsome groom

Chatting with my sister Amber and my cousins, Amy and Laura

Soaking up Mima and Papa
One of my best friends from college came to the reception so that I could see her. Thanks for coming, Tessa! I wish I took a picture with her, but alas, Retrospect! As you can tell from this last picture that I dragged it out as long as possible trying to talk to everyone that I could. We were the last ones to leave. I love seeing my family and wish I could do it more often.
Congrats, Michael and Cara!