I know I haven't blogged in over a month. Believe me, I DO have an excuse. At the end of January Jared and I found out that I was expecting. By week 5 I was feeling queasy and tired. By beginning of week six, I was having trouble doing simple things around the house and taking care of Luke. I had to start leaning on friends quite a bit. By the end of week six, I could barely sit up. By week 7 I was useless. Luckily we have a GREAT ward and WONDERFUL friends. My friend Keegan volunteered to set up a schedule to arrange for people to take care of Luke. Someone from church took Luke every morning and someone else took him every afternoon. I cannot express my gratitude. Often I cry because I feel so overwhelmed at the kindness that people have showered on us. I am so thankful. In general, I also just cry.

My mom ended up being Luke's nurse too. About two weeks after she arrived, his cough came back. Mom took him to the doctor where he was diagnosed with pneumonia, an ear infection, and an infection on his big toe as well. He was put on an antibiotic and told to come back in a week. The next week we were told that while his one lung was a little better, it had spread to the other. Luke was given a nebulizer and had to do breathing treatments 3 times a day.
He hated it.
I guess Jared was feeling left out of all the drama, and he had to do something to get his own share of attention. He had a biking accident the Saturday before my parents left and hurt his right ankle. It was swollen and extremely painful. We spent 4 hours in the ER on Sat. night/ Sun. morning where we found out basically nothing because his foot was too swollen to get a good x-ray, but he got a lame boot out of the bargain.
And that's our drama. Next time I make it to the computer, I will blog about my dad's visit and our other adventures.
Thank you to everyone who is taking care of Luke this week. May God bless you for your service.