It started snowing on Friday night (all through the night). Saturday the snow continued. I don't know how much we got exactly, but it was probably around 6 inches. Jared had forgotten a few books at school, so he ventured out in the snow on Saturday morning. He said he slid once, and while I freaked out while he was telling his story he acted like he'd had a good time. Boys! Church was cancelled on Sunday due to the icy roads, and school opened late on Monday. I'm too big of a scaredy cat to do ANY kind of driving in ANY kind of ice or snow. But we didn't have much food in the house, and we really needed to get to the grocery store, so Jared came home from school between classes on Monday to run Luke and I to Wal-mart. Today will be my first time venturing out anywhere that I had to drive myself in 4 days. We're going to play group in a few hours.

Our tracks in the snow
I didn't take Luke out to see the snow until Monday. He had a cold all weekend, and I didn't want him falling down in the snow and making it worse. As it turns out, he wasn't very interested in the snow at all. He never tried to touch it or anything. He was, however, extremely happy to be outside after 2 days couped up in our apartment. AND he was very happy about the cold weather because it meant most of the units were running. He spent the whole time running from one unit...

to the next...

and the next...

and the next.