Saturday, October 31, 2009
Visiting Jamestown Settlement with some new friends
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The "Women" in Luke's Life
Monday, October 26, 2009
Let's See How Smart You Are
I was in charge of the games at this year's witches night out. We played charades/ catch phrase. Kathleen taught us all how to play Mafia. I was the last Mafia member killed, so the townspeople won. I guess I'm not cut out for a life of crime. But anyway, the thing that took me the longest to prepare was a Halloween trivia quiz. The winner won a pumpkin and carving tool. Let's see how smart all of you who couldn't come are. Answers will be posted in 3 days.
1. Complete this Superstition: If you stare into a mirror at midnight on Halloween, you will see what?
a. Death
b. Bloody Mary
c. Your future spouse
2. A black cat was believed to be which of the following?
a. A witch’s familiar
b. The devil
c. A demon
3. The term Halloween is shortened from which name?
a. All Hallow’s Eve
b. All Saints Day
c. All Soul’s Day
4. Why did the ancient Celts believe October 31st was a dangerous day?
a. The boundary between the living and the dead dissolved, and the dead became dangerous to the living
b. Satan was given free reign on October 31st each year
c. The new year and the old year would fight a battle on that day in which the old year recruited help from the dead
5. Which was the first wrapped penny candy?
a. Peppermint disc
b. Werther’s caramel
c. Tootsie Roll
6. When did Halloween first gain popularity in the United States?
a. During the influx of Irish immigrants during the Potato Famine of 1846
b. During the period of Scottish history when the Jacobites were banned to the Americas (starting in 1716)
c. With the English settlement at Jamestown
7. What does the word “witch” mean?
a. Evil one
b. Wicked one
c. Wise one
8. Why does a witch commonly appear with a black cat?
a. For companionship
b. For spell casting
c. For protection
9. Jack o’lanterns were originally made from what?
a. radishes
b. eggplant
c. potatoes
10. Complete this superstition: If you hear someone’s footsteps following you on Halloween night, you shouldn’t turn around or else, what?
a. You will see a ghost
b. You will meet death
c. You will be cursed by a witch
11. Who is the predicted most popular couple costume for 2009?
a. Barack and Michelle Obama
b. Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger
c. Edward Cullen and Bella Swan
12. Why would people originally dress up on October 31st?
a. to honor the dead
b. to hide from evil spirits
c. To scare off demons
13. The name jack-o-lantern can be traced back to the Irish legend about whom?
a. Farmer Jack
b. Lazy Jack
c. Stingy Jack
14. The first person to successfully retrieve an apple (when bobbing for apples) would…
a. Be the next to marry
b. Have good fortune in the new year
c. Be blessed with fertility
15. What does the name Dracula mean?
a. Evil one
b. Devil’s son
c. Blood drinker
16. What year did the Halloween novelty song “Monster Mash” reach number one on the Billboard charts?
a. 1962
b. 1965
c. 1967
17. Which singer from our past has a Halloween birthday?
a. Vanilla Ice
b. Cyndi Lauper
c. M.C. Hammer
2nd Annual Witches Night Out
Friday, October 23, 2009
I wasn't lying...
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Bus! Bus!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009